Rest in Peace Shihan Koyama

On behalf of the Koyama family, JKA WF America, Mr. Afkahmi, Nagatomo Sensei, and myself, we sincerely thank everyone who attended Master Koyama’s Zoom memorial service. A special thank you to Master Yaguchi and Hiroyoshi Okazaki Sensei for attending. It was truly amazing to see over two hundred (200) Karateka family and friends attending on…

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Be a Humble Leader

By Shojiro Koyama: Martial Arts typically brings to mind technical development, and this is how many operate. But the Japanese traditional culture of “Bushido” or “Budo” follows two (2) paths: Technique and Philosophy. The Japanese say, Bunpu Ryodo, where technique and philosophy are joined together. Pretty soon I will turn 80 years old. Usually pass…

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Thank You Naka Sensei for the Phenomenal Seminar!

JKA WF America would like to thank all those that participated in the Sensei Naka seminar this past Saturday. A special thank you to Sensei Naka for providing a fantastic seminar. We had over 200 plus participants. Until next time, be well and keep training. OSSU, Chuck Coburn

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What is Karate? By: Shojiro Koyama

WHAT IS KARATE By: Shojiro Koyama Translated by J. Ondrusek One grandparent of karate originates in the life-or-death environment of the front line of warfare. It was a systematized collection of the defense techniques which had the highest success rates, as determined largely by trial and error. These techniques have since evolved into a means…

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The Concept of Japanese Karate

By: Shojiro Koyama In 1922 Karate was introduced in Tokyo by Gichin Funakoshi of Okinawa. Funakoshi’s Karate inherits the spirit of “Mind and Technique” embodied in other martial arts which already existed in Japan, such as Kendo, Sumo, and Budo. Karate was filtered through the quintessence of the spirit of the warrior who had survived…

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2004 Interview with Master Koyama

A Brief Interview with Master Shojiro Koyama, Chairman Western States Karate Championship Association Q: What are the most important points of your teaching philosophy? A: For me, karate is a mission, one that I brought to the U.S. when I arrived in the early 1960’s. My mission is grounded in 3 major philosophical principles that…

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Now Offering Outside Karate Classes for Kids

Kids Outside Karate Classes

We are proud to announce that we are now offering outdoor karate classes for kids! Classes are throughout February & March on Wednesdays. Beginner’s classes start at 4:30pm and Advanced classes start at 5:30pm. Make sure to bring a mask and your own water, and wear comfortable athletic clothing! Contact us today to sign up!

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Outside Saturday Morning Karate Class

Outstanding Spirit & Great Turnout Today! JKA of Arizona Outside Saturday Class at 6:30 AM • Youth & Adults. Oss…Chuck Coburn In the covered parking lot, train 8ft plus apart, wearing a face-covering required. We suggest wearing athletic apparel and bring your own water!!! #JKAWFAMERICA #JKA#JKAArizona #Fun #FreshAir #Exercise #StressRelease

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