Kids Karate Class
Thank You Naka Sensei for the Phenomenal Seminar!
JKA WF America would like to thank all those that participated in the Sensei Naka seminar this past Saturday. A special thank you to Sensei Naka for providing a fantastic seminar. We had over 200 plus participants. Until next time, be well and keep training. OSSU, Chuck Coburn
Read MoreNow Offering Outside Karate Classes for Kids
We are proud to announce that we are now offering outdoor karate classes for kids! Classes are throughout February & March on Wednesdays. Beginner’s classes start at 4:30pm and Advanced classes start at 5:30pm. Make sure to bring a mask and your own water, and wear comfortable athletic clothing! Contact us today to sign up!
Read MoreOutside Saturday Morning Karate Class
Outstanding Spirit & Great Turnout Today! JKA of Arizona Outside Saturday Class at 6:30 AM • Youth & Adults. Oss…Chuck Coburn In the covered parking lot, train 8ft plus apart, wearing a face-covering required. We suggest wearing athletic apparel and bring your own water!!! #JKAWFAMERICA #JKA#JKAArizona #Fun #FreshAir #Exercise #StressRelease
Read More1st Virtual Kata Tournament
JKA•WF AMERICA held a National Virtual Kata Championships. A few of the JKA•WF AMERICA • Western Region recipients receiving award certificates after 6:30 AM Saturday Class. Congratulations. PS: Other Western Region recipients award certificates will be mailed this week. Great job by all. Oss…Chuck Coburn #JKA #JKAWFAMERICA #JKAArizona
Read MoreSaturday Outside Karate Class
JKA of Arizona Outside Saturday Class at 6:30 AM • Youth & Adults. Lezzz Go…ikimashou – Oss…Chuck Coburn In the covered parking lot, train 8ft plus apart, highly recommend the wearing of a mask, or at the very least have one with you. We suggest wearing athletic apparel and bring your own water! ikimashou -…
Read MoreRe-Opening 1st Kids Class
1st Kids Class with Re-Opening. No doubt the most disciplined class they will be in. The kids did great, listened, put forth a great effort. We continue on….group and private instruction, inside the Dojo instruction, Zoom Classes, Outside Class. Where there is Will there is a Way. Oss…Chuck Coburn #JKAWFAMERICA #JKA
Read MoreZoom Karate Classes
Now Offering Zoom Classes! Meet the Zoom Team! Yes, we follow all the protocols, maintain distance from each other, we have mask if needed, disinfect and clean the floor before and after, wash hands before and after class, keep hands away from the face. If a technique needs to be explained with a partner its…
Read MoreOutside Saturday Karate Morning Class – May 2020
7AM Outside Saturday Morning Class! In the covered parking lot, train 8ft plus apart, highly recommend the wearing of a mask, or at the very least have one with you. We suggest wearing athletic apparel and bring your own water. It’s Fun, Fresh Air, Exercise, Stress Release, Camaraderie. Lezzz Go…ikimashou
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