Shojiro Koyama
Rest in Peace Shihan Koyama
On behalf of the Koyama family, JKA WF America, Mr. Afkahmi, Nagatomo Sensei, and myself, we sincerely thank everyone who attended Master Koyama’s Zoom memorial service. A special thank you to Master Yaguchi and Hiroyoshi Okazaki Sensei for attending. It was truly amazing to see over two hundred (200) Karateka family and friends attending on…
Read MoreBe a Humble Leader
By Shojiro Koyama: Martial Arts typically brings to mind technical development, and this is how many operate. But the Japanese traditional culture of “Bushido” or “Budo” follows two (2) paths: Technique and Philosophy. The Japanese say, Bunpu Ryodo, where technique and philosophy are joined together. Pretty soon I will turn 80 years old. Usually pass…
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